Writing articles for syndication is a great way to bring people to your website. By building links, two things will happen:
1. Search engines will rank your page higher than one with less links back to it
2. People will be able to find you easier.
Though your web stats may only make it look like 3-4 people come to your site each month from any one of these sources, imagine the long term impact and compare it to an AdSense or similar campaign where you may pay $0.30-$3.00 to bring a highly focused visitor to your site.
For instance, if you write one article per month, by the end of month six you will have more than 60 people visit your site each day.
In dollars and cents, instead of PAYING $100-200, you are GETTING free traffic that you know is interested in you and your company – because they just read your article.
You are now the expert, they want to know more!
Luckily there are dozens of free sites out there that will let you post articles and some of those also syndicate them so that others can spread your knowledge through newsletters and other sources (which will increase the impact of your article).
While writing an article may seem to be an easy thing to do, you must remember that it is also easy for someone else to do as well. To make your article more popular, pay attention to the following:
Be Unique: Write about something that not everyone already has – or write it differently, with a new twist. For instance, there are dozens of articles floating around that just list a few submission sites and that’s it. This article lists as many as possible AND it helps put Article Marketing into context by providing advice and expectations.
Optimize the Text Naturally: You want your article to pop to the top of a list when someone searches for it – and in search engines. To do this, make sure that your keywords are included in the article, but not too blatantly. It is most important to have your article read well to humans.
Write Short, Quick One Thought Paragraphs: You were taught in school that a paragraph needs to have 4-5 sentences and should include an introduction and a conclusion. That is accurate, but not always best when writing on the internet. Instead, make your text readable to someone only scanning it. You want that person to quickly find new, important information that you are offering.
If you like writing articles for free (and you find that people like reading them), you might consider sending some of them to magazines or local newspapers. Even some online web-magazines pay for content. It may not be a lot of money, but you will get greater exposure and much more traffic.
So who can write articles?
Everyone can!
Garden Store Owners can write about the proper way to trim roses.
Lawyers can write about public speaking techniques
Doctors can write about early signs of various diseases
Marketing Firms Executives can write about Article Marketing and other ways to help small business owners
Mechanics can write about how to fix common car problems like a wiper blade
Tutors can write articles on how to memorize the order of the planets or mnemonic devices to aid in algebra or other subjects
Everyone has something interesting that they are an expert at. If you need help finding yours, drop me a line and I’ll help you.
Here is a list of some popular sites to aid you in your Article Marketing efforts:
One of the best sources is Ezine @rticles. Their website is http://www.ezinearticles.com
Other great sites include the following: