If you are an internet marketer or an online business owner then chances are you have been doing everything possible to market your site and drive highly-targeted traffic to it. If you have never heard of using Yahoo Answers to market your website, you are in for a surprise. Yahoo Answers is a new and fun way of marketing. Today we will discuss how it is possible to have fun with Yahoo Answers while marketing your service and products at the same time.
Using Yahoo Answers to Market
If you do not have a Yahoo account, you will want to start by starting one. You will then need to visit the Yahoo home page and find the link that says ‘answers’, found on the left side of the page. The questions are categorized and you may search through them to get an idea of what is out there. They range from art and health to family-related questions and many more. When you have found the category that is most relevant to your website, you will want to begin browsing through those questions.
Answering the questions gives you the opportunity to strategically suggest your website. You just have to include the link to your site in your answer. This simply took drives highly-targeted traffic to the website of your choice. Be careful though, you never want to spam the questions. Make sure your answers have been well thought out and that the viewers will see them as a valuable help to the question that has been asked. It is also important that you only link your website to answers and questions that are relevant to your niche or services.
Moving up a level
After you have answered twenty questions with your account, you will move up to the next level, where you will be able to add hyperlinks as well as other added benefits. This lets you market your site in a new way. You will now also have the ability to cast votes for answers when you have reached level 2. This can be useful to you if you plan on voting, but is not necessary to receive the marketing benefits that come from using Yahoo Answers.
Yahoo Answers is a great way to market your website and drive traffic to your site. It has the potential to increase your conversions as well as increase your sales and profits. Because this marketing method is easy, free and does not require a lot of time it is a great asset.